Trace Higgins, ATH Consulting Ltd

Business overview

We are specialist employment consultants based in Carterton. Alyn is an employment lawyer, Trace is an HR Practitioner. Together we have over 40 years' experience in our respective fields. We can help you with your employment needs.

Products and services I offer

We offer expert advisory, employment investigations, change management, performance improvement, addressing absenteeism, conduct, remuneration and how to position yourself as an employer of choice!

We also offer employment agreements, contract for services agreements and can help you with your volunteer workforce

Why I'm in the Venus Network

To gain experience in areas I am less familiar with to round out my business skills.

My point of difference

We charge rates as you use us which means you do not pay a retainer or very large monthly fee! We also work with you to understand you, what being an employer and in business means to you and tailor our advice to suit you and your management style. We don't tell you what to do or what to offer and never force you into having employment documentation that just doesn't suit you!
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