Tracy Tutty, Herbalist & Mindset Coach

Business overview

Tracy Tutty is a medical herbalist and mindset coach based in Carterton, New Zealand; and the creator of the Project Joyful podcast.

She works with people who are worn out, drained, exhausted. They often tell her that they're detached from what's going on around them because they simply have nothing left to give. They're often high achievers, juggling the balls, and having no time to take care of themselves.

How does Tracy help? She brings together plant medicine and neuroscience-informed coaching to help you rebuild your reservoir of energy. This is combined with conversations around strategies and tools so that you don't give away more energy than you're able.

We talk about that Olympic sport known as managing your team, because we all have teams, and we create ways that you can invite more spaciousness into your life.

Products and services I offer

Revitalise is a high touch, individual coaching experience featuring the MIND MAGIC® system. This is where you learn to change your thoughts to change your life. It's complemented by a self-paced Revitalise Habits programme where you learn about the habits that support your vitality and productivity.

This is where you learn to:
-Become the observer of yourself so that you stop running on autopilot, giving your power away, and being victim to your habits .
-Free yourself from stress, frenetic energy, and fight-or-flight responses and live in a space from which you can respond instead of react.
-Break up with your inner mean person, shed self-judgment, and start treating yourself with love and compassion.
-Say goodbye to feeling resentful, easily triggered, and constantly judged, because nothing outside of you determines how you get to feel
-Shift your relationship with fear so that you can show up, be more visible, and take action to create your future self, one choice at a time
-Stop striving, settling, censoring, hiding, and shrinking, and finally embody and operate from the highest version of yourself.

I support drained managers elevate their leadership by helping them to reclaim their productivity, boost their energy and master their calm.


"Working with Tracy has been a game-changer for me.

One of my biggest breakthroughs was realising that courage requires vulnerability. Tracy helped me shed my fears and step out of my comfort zone, allowing me to make progress in my career and personal life.

Through her guidance, I gained clarity on my goals and how to achieve them, and I developed the energy and productivity to see them through. What I love most about working with Tracy is her fun and provoking nature, making each session enjoyable and thought-provoking. I trusted her completely, knowing that she always had my best interests at heart.

I highly recommend Tracy to anyone looking to achieve breakthroughs and
transform their lives."

-Trudi Thomas Morton.

“When I first came to see Tracy my life was full of anxiety. I had been experiencing panic attacks and was feeling generally fearful of life. After my first session with Tracy I felt a sense of calmness and balance that had not been with me for a long time. I walked home that day with a smile on my face. At each session Tracy listened to my feelings with a professional understanding, creating a safe place for me to be. Pinpointing what I want to achieve from each session has been really useful to focus my attention where it is needed most. Every session has bought me a balance and clarity that has really supported my healing. I have not had a panic attack since my first session.”

- Louise Blake

My point of difference

It's a holistic integrated approach that brings together the neuroscience of lasting transformation through Nervous System regulation with the holistic foundations of herbal medicine.

Tracy's approach is grounded in experience of having led teams, experienced burnout and recovered from burnout to lead teams again.

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