Hello, my gorgeous Venusians, happy 2018!

Wow, haven’t we had the most amazing summer, I’ve absolutely loved it, been out on the boat making the most of it. Lots of swimming and beach time as well as sailing. Well, to be perfectly honest most of the time there hasn’t been enough wind – apart from the storm that came through, and yes I was out on the boat! One experience I’m glad I’ve been through but only want to do that once! The beauty of working/living on a boat and having technology is I can go out and get work done. Didn’t do that all the time but did spend a couple of days last week with the anchor down doing some writing, and swimming and beach walking. I sooooooo love my work; it also allows me to have the life I love and do the things I enjoy!
I’m loving getting stuck back into work again, have lots of big plans for this year and have been looking forward to getting stuck in and turn those dreams and plans into reality for us all.

So what have I been up to?

Well, I’ve been back at work three weeks now and I’m well underway. Lots of RAVES under my belt already and planning meetings with Yolanda Alba, our new National Manager. We’ve had an influx of registrations over Xmas/New Year as well so loving getting on top of those. Additionally, the planning has started for the NZ Businesswomen’s Conference which we are going to be running in October this year. We’re getting stuck in, talking to sponsors, speakers, and I have been doing some planning. We’ll be putting a ‘save the date’ out shortly once we have a few more things lined up so keep your eyes peeled!

Venus Training Academy

Yolanda and I continue to dot our I’s and cross our T’s re the Academy. We’re just going through the process of signing two new coaches on board and finalising workshops and programmes nationwide.
If you want to find a little more, book a RAVE with one of either the Regional Managers or the Venus Training Academy Coaches? These women have a good handle on what they are delivering via the Academy and will be able to give you a little more one on one information. Remember the Venus Training Academy is there to run group training in an environment that sees you alongside other women who are looking for the same learning and advice. It’s very much about the learning alongside like-minded women in a supportive environment.

Venus Networking

Member Success and Power Hour workshops continue to run nationwide – those booked for the first three months of 2018 are all up on Eventbrite and Facebook so you can get these in your diary and plan which ones to attend. If you can’t find what’s going on in your region, please get in touch with your Regional Manager, she is the lady running these so will have the detailed information.
Remember if you’re new to Venus, Member Successs is a free MUST DO workshop. You will need to have done this before you do your six-minute spotlight. Additionally, existing members need to do a Member Success ONCE A YEAR as well to stay up to date with the ‘goings on’ in Venus. Things move and change rapidly, and it’s the best way to keep up with what’s going on as well as network and meet newer members and the wider Venus community.
Remember in networking you get out what you put in!

Summer School

Wow, who loved Summer School? Thank you so much for all the emails I got. Lovely to know you were enjoying doing it and getting so much out of it. I do know there are also groups that are banding together and going through the modules en masse – always a good idea as you can encourage one another, collaborate and contribute to one others businesses.

Venus Magazine

With Xmas getting in the way things have slowed down a little on the magazine, but we’re back into it. The next Venus magazine is due out in April, and the Media Pack is up online so get in quick. If you are keen to advertise or submit an article, it might pay to get yourself sorted sooner rather than later. We have a few articles left over from the first magazine already! Remember this magazine is for you and needs your support, so get involved!

Free Month

Although we have a bit of an influx of registrations and quite a few guests who visited last year wanting to join this side of Xmas we do still want to encourage you to refer Venus to the women you do business with. The power of the community is the community and as we grow and change our ability to work alongside, help and collaborate with one another grows as well.
A reminder that for each person you refer to Venus you get a one-month free membership when they’ve joined and paid their membership fee. Get them to register online or put them in touch with your Regional Manager. Who do you know that would either benefit from being part of Venus or add value to this beautiful community – pick up the phone, drop them an email!

New Groups for 2018

Well, we’re into 2018, and we’re getting our A into G on the new groups.
Taupo is going to be our first launch early March; we are just finalising dates for the others. If you know any women, who want to join an incredible community of like-minded business in the following areas get them to register quickly if they are in one of those popular professions!
• Taupo
• Rotorua
• Whangarei
• Dunedin (our second group)
• Havelock
• New Plymouth
• Christchurch x 2
• Auckland Harbour

Venus Foundation

Our charitable status application has been signed off on and is with the Charities Commission for approval. We are now in a holding pattern waiting to hear back from them.
We have set the Venus Foundation up and moving forward any profits will be going in there for the benefit of our members. Any profit made from the NZ Businesswomen’s Conference will be going straight into this account. The purpose of the Venus Foundation is to provide loans to our members to help them develop and grow themselves and their businesses. These loans will need to be applied for and will be approved by our soon to be appointed external board.

Let’s Rock 2018!

I have a great feeling about 2018 for Venus, my gut feeling is telling me to go, go, go its going to be a great year, feel the fear and do it anyway, plan to achieve, and all will work out – so that’s what I’m going with. I can see from FB posts and hear from some of you via email that seems to be a feeling across the board.
Let’s make 2018 the year we work hard and turn all our dreams into reality!
Carolyn x

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