News from the South Island

I hope by the time I send out my next newsletter that we will all be basking in the sunshine because I don’t know about you but I’m over this long cold winter!
A crazy month with school holidays and winter bugs being shared around, so there has certainly been some small group meetings. The awesome thing is that they are still great meetings giving a little more time for those stimulating conversations around the topics!
Looking forward to seeing everyone back though in full swing as we enter the last half of the year!

Business Thought

Return messages!

With all the calling I make, especially when I’m on a cold calling run, I’m amazed at the number of people that don’t return calls.
I leave my name and number, I could have been their next big job, but they’ll never know!
So, ladies’ good business, good communication, good service and maybe your next big job, means returning messages and missed calls!

Venus Academy Coming to Christchurch


Business Essentials – Starting 4th September

If you’re new in business or you need to learn business basics to build a thriving business this programme is for you.
Be mentored by an experienced businesswoman and learn the business basics while receiving support, information, and tools to build the foundations for your own business.
For more details and to book your spot, click on the link below.
Eventbrite - Venus 'Business Essentials' - 6 Month Programme (South / East Auckland) - 15 August 2017


Seal The Deal – Full Day Sales workshop – 28th August

Wanting to gain more clients as you feel more confident and comfortable having sales conversations. Increase your sales numbers, turning more prospects to long term customers. Maximise your time and be more effective during sales conversations. Learn how to create your unique sales process.
To book your spot on this one day workshop click on the Eventbrite link below.
Eventbrite - Venus - Christchurch 'Seal the Deal' Workshop - 28th August 2017

Inviting Guests to Venus – One Month Free Incentive

I would love you to share the word about the Venus opportunities.
All guests outside the Venus network must be registered via the website before they can attend a meeting, or get them to ring me.
I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession, and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.
I’ve posted some fantastic testimonials on your Facebook pages and would love it if you could share these with your network!

Dates for your diary


2nd August – Meet Up – Tequila Mockingbird – 98 Victoria St

A fantastic opportunity to:
Re-connect with some of those members you’ve had great RAVES with.
Meet members of other groups. Extend your Venus network.
Got some business ideas floating around and want to brainstorm?
Or just relax with some other like-minded members!
Eventbrite - Venus Christchurch Women in Business Meet Up

Have a great month,
Maree Bryant
Venus Network South Island Regional Manager
Email Maree
m:: 027 474 1479


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