Rachel Thompson

Can you describe your business in one or two sentences?

I’m the Smarter Mortgage Lady. I save people time and money when it comes to buying their own place to call home or an investment property. Assist with a loan structure that provides a degree of flexibility of early repayment and certainty of cost.

What drove you to start your business/get involved in this industry?

I love helping people into their own place to call home.  I had a great experience with an Adviser and wanted to deliver that same experience to others.

What do you love about running your business?

I bought my first home with my sister when I was a self employed, single parent. The bank said no and then I got an adviser. My story is my motivation to help people do the same thing.

What have been some of your biggest challenges?

Starting a business from scratch twice with no contacts and learning the ropes as I went. Making mistakes and learning the hard way. Finding the best way to promote myself.

What is your biggest ambition?

To help as many people as possible buy their own place to call home, I love it! I want them to pay off their mortgage a fast as possible and still maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

What does success look like to you?

Having my health and enough income to allow me to spend quality time with Whanau and friends and enjoy my leisure activities.

Who inspires you and why?

People in business who have faced challenges, be they mental, physical or emotional and overcome them without having to destroy others on the way. Parents who run their own businesses while still trying to run a household and have a family. Women who have been told it won’t happen and they smash it!

What growth have you experienced being in Venus??

I have made many friends when I never expected that. I have developed as a leader although I was always confident speaking publically. I’m really proud of the way the women in our group challenge and support each other in business.

What’s your favourite pastime when you are not working?

I love paddling in my outrigger canoe at the beach or participating in outrigger canoe races with a team, walks and wine on the beach, listening to live music with friends. I also especially love spending time with my Whanau and grandchildren. They are the light of my life.

Rachael Thompson


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