News from the North Canterbury Region

I want to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Nicola Culver and Tania McKenzie for running the Rangiora group over the last six months and we warmly welcome Margot Korhonen and Ali Popenhagen to the team from April.

All public events can now be viewed on the website here…


Upcoming Christchurch Events

Networking Evening

There is a casual networking evening this Wednesday night at the Engineers bar from 7pm. BRING A FRIEND and let Maree know if you’re coming by registering on Eventbrite here, spaces are limited.

Eventbrite - Venus Christchurch Networking Event

POWER HOUR – TOMORROW – Monday 3rd April 12-1.30pm Stellar 235 Riccarton Rd
Register and purchase your tickets now at:


Dates for your diary

Public events that you can bring guest to are always available on the website at:

3rd April – Power Hour – As above

5th April – Monthly networking meeting – as above

2nd May – Collaboration workshop – 12 – 2pm –  Stellar 235 Riccarton Rd – This will be added to Eventbrite shortly and shared on Facebook.

TBC – 1st & 2nd June  – Playbook – The playbook is now going to be a 2 day workshop which no longer works for the date we set. Watch this space while we work out the new format and release of a new date soon – dates to be confirmed with Carolyn.

A message from Venus HQ

A gentle reminder when guests come along you a catch up with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming of guests, turns out they are prospecting rather than looking at building business relationships.
Have an awesome month!

North Canterbury Network
Debbie Albrecht
Email Debbie
m:: 027 698 3838
