Newsletter for South East Auckland and Waikato

Hello Ladies,

I hope you’ve had a fantastic start to the year. Wow three months already gone, done, and dusted!!! Wonder what the next nine hold for us. With good planning, communicating, networking and collaborating it will be amazing!!!

Venus is looking strong to have a fantastic year under new ownership with many great ideas and plans being worked on by Carolyn and the Venus HQ team. You will have seen the new Venus branding coming onto our website and FaceBook page/groups. More will be launched with new member handbooks and other material throughout the coming months.

Facilitating Teams

We are in handover stage for our new facilitating teams to host their groups for the next 6 months. I want to say a big thank you for stepping up to take this role on for your group. I want to thank the outgoing facilitating teams for the fantastic work they have done over the last 6 months as advocates for Venus with our members and welcoming new guests to our groups. Really good to have feedback that some have you gained a lot from this role in with more confidence, raising your profile and understanding more about the Venus Network.

Inviting guests to Venus

I would love you to share the word about Venus and if you have a guest keen to visit a meeting, please either send me her details or ask her to register on the website here.

All guests outside the Venus network MUST be registered via the website before they can attend a meeting. I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.

A gentle reminder when guests come along you a catch up with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming of guests, turns out they are prospecting rather than looking at building business relationships.

The Value of Active Connecting in Venus

In the past few months, it’s been awesome to see and hear from Venus members the true value of connecting with other members through RAVE’s or that the meeting topic has brought up information to action in your business. From this, Venus Ladies have realised they can form an alliance with their businesses which has led to some great collaboration events. It’s amazing where the seed is planted and then it develops into an interesting business plan that is jointly worked on by a group of Venus Ladies.

Four of our Waikato Ladies created a day training and coaching event that had two coaches,  caterer and wellness practitioner members come together and collaborate for a public event.

Three of our SE Auckland Ladies that are wellness practitioners / product suppliers came together to create a Ladies Lunch and Learn session that had participants learn more about wellness for the family, have a cooking demonstration and get to eat yummy food. It was advertised on Eventbrite which the local Pita Pit saw and asked to be part of the event to showcase their healthy takeaway food range.

You never know where those opportunities will come from to support your business and open your network. So keep up the raving, referring, attending your fortnightly meetings, visiting other groups if you can or rave with members from across your region. You don’t want to miss out on what gets shared or who has a network of people that may be ideal for your business or an alliance/collaboration that could start to blossom with another Venus Lady.

Wishing you all the best for a great April and enjoy the Easter break.


Linda Crosbie
East  & South Auckland, Waikato Venus Network Regional Manager
Email Linda
m:: 021530877


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