Everyone says “You should do video” but has anyone broken it down for you and told you how to actually incorporate video into your marketing strategy?

Video allows a viewer to get to know you and your business on a far deeper level than any photo, or written statement can. In fact, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. And marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. (Workstream, 2022).

It may seem that it is far easier to make videos if you are a product-based business, and it’s true, with products you do have something visual and tangible to film. But videos can be equally effective, and possibly an even more valuable tool, for service-based business owners as well.

Here are my top five tips for incorporating video into your business’s marketing strategy this year…

  • WANT to create and use videos
  • Know WHY you are using videos
  • ALIGN your videos with your overall marketing strategy
  • Ensure your videos are ON-BRAND

In practical terms, what does all this mean?

WANT to create and use videos

Don’t just do video because you’ve been told you should or feel like you have to use videos to compete. To be consistent, sustainable, and effective you have to WANT TO USE VIDEOS. Otherwise, it will turn into one of those business tasks that you always put off, and you’ll start to dread doing it. And that will show. It’s one thing to push yourself slightly out of your comfort zone, but it’s another matter altogether if it fills you with dread. Saying that, if the desire is strong enough, even tasks that scare you can be achieved with help and support, and you don’t have to a) be in all your videos yourself OR b) tackle the task of creating videos for your business alone.

Know WHY you are using videos

Just like any other piece of content, every video you put out there should have a purpose. Think about the key purposes of content marketing – Promote | Educate | Inspire | Entertain.

Each video you create should fulfil one of these purposes. To have an effective video marketing strategy you should cover each of those purposes across your videos.

Here are some examples of what these could look like:

Promote: Attention-grabbing shots set to music of your product/service in use. Talk directly to the camera and personally invite people to an event or sale, or to work with you. Promote a special or limited time offer. Share the value your product or service has.

Educate: Answer FAQs. Discuss industry news or trends. Talk through the process of working with you. Address common misconceptions within your industry. Upskill your audience on a task.

Inspire: Demonstrate the impact your service or product has through case studies, testimonials and reviews. Share ‘user-generated content’ (videos your clients make using or about your product/service). Demonstrate your product in use. Give your audience a peek inside your business with a tour behind the scenes.

Entertain: This is where you can share those funny reels and take the opportunity to show your personality, lighten the mood, resonate and establish connections with your dream customers.

Align your videos with your overall marketing strategy

Look at video as another form of content that you can use to SAY THE SAME THING.

Repetition works, and repetition sells.

You don’t have to have new or different information across your different types of content, in fact, it works far better when you don’t. Be consistent in your messaging, and consistently show up saying the same thing. Potential customers need to “hear” your message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy or work with you.

And remember, different people prefer different types of content anyway. Ask around your Venus meeting and I can guarantee that there will be a mix of preferences between reading and watching.

Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose!

Published a blog or article? Turn it into a video!

Sharing behind the scenes photos? Take a quick video as well!

Doing an intro post on your social media? Record an intro video as well (your 1 min elevator pitch is a great starting point for this!)

Asking for client reviews? Ask for videos ones as well – or whip out your camera at the end of your next client session and film one on the spot.

Look at your website and turn each section into separate videos!

And all this works vice-versa as well! There’s a tone of info in any video that can be repurposed into other content!

Ensure your videos are on-brand

If you are putting in the effort to make videos, you want to make sure they are aligned with your brand and recognisable as YOUR business. There is so much visual content on social media that you want to ensure people know the video is from YOUR business.

You also want to keep in mind your brand values and tone, and ensure your videos align with these. Be the person on video that you are with your clients or customers in-person.

Prioritise it

Make a plan and schedule a time to get your videos done, just as you would with any other marketing task. Once it’s in your diary, honour that and prioritise it. And a bonus tip – don’t try to plan AND film your videos in the same session. Both tasks take time and energy, so schedule your video planning sessions and video creating sessions separately for best results.

If you’ve ever felt tempted to give video a go, bear these tips in mind and go for it! Video is not a silver bullet, but with time and consistency, it can give you great ROI on the time, energy and investment you put in to doing it.

You can find out more about Carrie Harman and how she helps her clients capture GREAT videos to help execute their business strategy on her website:  https://carrieharmancreative.co.nz/