Hello my gorgeous Venusians, wow it’s mid-August already!
Firstly my apologies, I just realised that I haven’t seen you your monthly newsletter since the beginning of March – COVID kinda got in the way of everything there for a while. I hope the workshops we’ve been running for you have been of some help. I will say it has been really great to see how the Venus community come together and supported one another. As CEO I knew we had a network of amazing businesswomen, the one good thing about COVID and taking everything to Zoom is that you are all getting to know one another regionally and nationally. Because we were meeting and collaborating online I know a lot of you got to know one another, I’m constantly surprised when I hear about some of the collaborations that have happened and continue to grow and develop
We’re going to be running another Virtual Collaborative Teams in September for anyone interested and of course, we’ve got our COVID Catchup this Thursday as well. Was planning to do that anyway but then last Tuesday’s announcement happened so we had to turn things around pretty quickly.
During COVID everyone on the management team has been working hard ‘behind the scenes’ and I’d like to say a big thank you to the whole team. I do want to give special thanks though to our superstar Jessica Lim, our social media lady, and my right-hand gal, for all the work she’s put in over the last couple of months – we literally couldn’t have done it without her. Thank you, Jess, your hard work is appreciated by us all 😊 x
So what have I been up to?
Well, mostly doing POWER RAVES to be honest, working with you our members to help you get the most out of your networking, which has been particularly relevant over the last couple of months. My major focus, other than keeping Venus going, has been on the Academy development and working with members who have taken up our Business Boost package ($18 a week x 26 weeks, i.e., 6 months).
What is our Business Boost package all about? It’s about helping you write a business plan, set goals and then work through putting those plans in place, keeping you on track, keeping you accountable and brainstorming ideas to help you grow and develop your business. It’s about putting in place a networking plan to make sure you get the best return on your networking investment and it’s about me and the Management Team getting to know you and your business so we can refer and help you in any way we can.
If you want to find our more about our Business Boost option drop me an email and I’ll be in touch. I’m absolutely loving work with our current group of Business Boost ladies, it’s great to see people/businesses grow and develop, to brainstorm business ideas and then see them come to fruition. To see the win/win situations created. I don’t think anything makes me happier – other than wine!
Venus Training Academy
Thinks are still bubbling along well in the Academy, we’ve used the downtime provided by COVID to work through a lot of the programmes and workshops and finalise everything.
We’ve also been working on Summer School for the upcoming Xmas/New Year break and rewriting so it’s more valid moving forward.
We’ve been continuing to run the workshops, virtually, and although the numbers have been smaller we are getting really positive feedback with lots of women having ‘ah ha’ moments about their business.
We have also finally done is register with Regional Partners as a provider of programmes and workshops for any businesses interested. Moving forward you’ll be able to do any programmes at 50%, the other 50% being paid for by the Regional Partners network. To qualify you need to be GST registered and apply for whatever, course/programme you are wanting to do. Our workshops, however, don’t apply for members as they are below the financial threshold (i.e., they’re already cheap enough!).
If you’re interested in anything the Academy has to offer, drop me an email and we can have a chat and take it from there!
Remember the Venus Training Academy is there to run group training in an environment that sees you alongside other women who are looking for the same learning and advice. It’s very much about the learning and brainstorming alongside like-minded women in a supportive environment.
Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself!
Venus Networking
If you haven’t done one in the last six months please register to do a Member Success and/or a Power Hour workshop.
These workshops continue to run nationwide, virtually, so are a really good way to continue to keep up with what is going on in Venus with the bonus being that you get to network with people you haven’t met before – and that’s what you’re in Venus for after all!
So often when I’m Power RAVING with members I’m asking them a whole lot of questions and giving them advice on how they can get the most out of their membership. A lot of you don’t seem to know the breadth of what is offered simply cause you aren’t up to date, or haven’t ever done one of these workshops. In order to get the most out of your networking PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enrol in one over the next quarter.
Networking is all about giving to get and people can’t refer or recommend you and your business if they don’t know you exist!
COVID has also seen us running a social media programme making the social media world aware that we exist, this seems to be working as post COVID we’ve noticed registrations on the increase. There are lots of businesswomen out there who are obviously looking for a community of women who are serious about growing and developing their businesses.
If you know anyone like that please refer them to us, we’d love to grow this community further and be able to help them grow and develop their business. A reminder that for each person you refer to Venus you get one-month free membership when they’ve joined and paid their membership fee. Simply get them to register online or put them in touch with your Regional Manager. Who do you know that would either benefit from being part of Venus or add value to this beautiful community – pick up the phone, drop them an email!
In summary, I want to send you all my love and best wishes, this pandemic has been damn hard work. A lot of you will be schooling, running a family as well as running your business and it’s not always easy. Remember to take time for a little self-care – you are very important to your business and your family and to continue to be there for them you need to be there for yourself as well. One hour a week for you is all I ask 😊
Finally, please remember you are part of a community that cares about you and your business, we have your back and will do all we can to help you through what is proving to be a challenging time. It’s all on you, it’s your grit, determination and sheer bloody-mindedness that is going to get you through – don’t give up on the dream – we believe in you and know you can do it!
Here’s some musical inspiration to get keep you going!
… and as always remember help is only a phone call or email away 😊
Carolyn x