News from the Wellington Region

Congratulations to all the new Facilitators who have now run their first meetings and done a wonderful job. I have enjoyed visiting the groups as the teams change over and am settling into Wellington North as a member. I thoroughly enjoyed attending the CBD group’s get together on the 24th at a Japanese restaurant. It was so much fun, delicious food and wonderful to get to know everyone on a personal level.

It was lovely to meet the new members and catch up with some of the “oldies” at the Member Success Workshop at the beginning of March. These are always a great opportunity to Network and grow. I encourage you to come along whether you are new or experienced.

Upcoming Events

Members Success Workshop – I am just finalising the next one for Friday 26th May, 10am – 12 noon. Please mark this in your diaries and I will get registration details out shortly.

News from Venus HQ

You would have all received the first newsletter from Carolyn Banks as our new CEO. If you didn’t, please check your spam or junk emails and insert in your email contacts to ensure you receive it from now on or view online here. The biggest immediate change has been the rebranding to the “Venus Business Women’s Network” with beautiful, strong new logo and colours. You will see this appearing on all our marketing material, website and Social Media.

How to make the most of your membership

Always prepare well for your one minute opportunity each fortnight. This is a chance for all of us to educate each other on our businesses but it’s also a safe place for us to practice for when we are out in the “real world!” Each fortnight’s Education topic is now going to lead into the following fortnights one minute. I encourage you to print the resources out and spend some time thinking about how each topic affects your business and what your fellow members need to know to support you, refer to you or collaborate with you.

Inviting guests to Venus

I would love you to share the word about Venus and if you have a guest keen to visit a meeting, please either send me her details or ask her to register on the website here.
All guests outside the Venus network MUST be registered via the website before they can attend a meeting. I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.

A gentle reminder when guests come along to a catchup with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming as guests, turns out they are prospecting rather, than looking at building business relationships.

Have a wonderful month and I look forwarded to catching up with you all soon.

Kind regards,

Wellington Regional Manager
Venus Business Women’s Network
Mob: 021 0225 2866


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